"A Spool of Blue Thread: A Novel" by Anne Tyler delves into the intricacies of family dynamics with her trademark blend of wit and insight. Set against the backdrop of...
In "A Thousand Boy Kisses" by Tillie Cole, readers are immersed in a poignant tale of young love, loss, and the enduring power of memories. Set against a backdrop of...
Aangan is a highly acclaimed Urdu novel by the renowned writer Khadija Mastoor. Set in the pre-partition era, the novel paints a vivid picture of the social, political, and emotional...
"Admi" by Irfan Javed is a poignant literary work that delves into the complexities of human nature, exploring themes of identity, belonging, and the struggle for self-discovery. Set against the...
In "Ajaib Khana" by Irfan Javed-Sang E Meel, readers are taken on a captivating journey through the mystical realms of human experience, where reality intertwines with the enigmatic and the...
"Akhir Shab Ke Humsafar" by Qurat Ul Ain Haider is a profound literary work that explores the complexities of human relationships and the socio-political landscape of South Asia. The novel...
"Awaz By Abdal Bela is a groundbreaking literary work that explores the depths of human emotion and societal dynamics through a collection of poignant poems. With exquisite language and profound...
Baab-e-Dahar (بابِ دہر) by Mehrulnisa Shahmeer is a thought-provoking Urdu novel that explores philosophical and existential themes, delving into questions about time, fate, and the cycles of life. Translating to...
Before Your Memory Fades by Toshikazu Kawaguchi is a poignant exploration of memory, love, and the human experience. Set in a near-future Japan where technology allows people to revisit memories,...
"Bichar Gaye" by ZI Farrukh is a poignant and thought-provoking column that delves into the intricacies of human relationships, the inevitability of separation, and the emotional turbulence that follows. Through...
"Broken Flowers" by Robert M. Drake is a captivating collection of poetry that delves into the depths of human emotions and experiences. With poignant verses and evocative imagery, Drake invites...
In "Broken Verses" by Kamila Shamsie, readers are invited into the intricate tapestry of Pakistani society, where past traumas intersect with present struggles. Set against the backdrop of Karachi, the...
"Charah Gar Hain Bay Asar" is a collection of Urdu short stories written by Muhammad Iqbal Dewan. These stories delve into the complexities of human emotions, societal issues, and the...
Jamila Hashmi's "Dashte Soos Husain Bin Mansoor Hilaj" is a profound exploration of identity and spirituality in the context of contemporary Pakistan. Set against the backdrop of societal transformation and...
"Doosra Darwaza" is a renowned work by Bano Qudsia, a celebrated Pakistani writer known for her deep insights into human nature and relationships. This novel delves into the complexities of...
"Fragrance Of A Dead Rose" by Zaishah explores the haunting beauty of decay through vivid imagery and poignant prose. The collection delves into themes of loss, memory, and the transient...
"Girl In Pieces" by Kathleen Glasgow delves into the intricate complexities of a young girl's journey through trauma, self-discovery, and resilience. The novel follows Charlie, a troubled teenager, as she...
In Maggie O'Farrell's compelling novel "Hamnet," she delves into the haunting story behind one of William Shakespeare's most enigmatic plays. Set against the backdrop of 16th-century England, the narrative centers...
In "Home Boy" by H.M. Naqvi, readers are taken on an exhilarating journey through the vibrant and diverse streets of New York City. The novel intricately weaves together the lives...
"Khafif Makhfi Ki Khawab Beti" by Mirza Athar Baig is a captivating narrative that delves into the intricacies of human relationships and societal expectations. The novel intertwines elements of personal...